
cunt-voyage xoxo (bday not so special, special)

  Song of the day- Sunny by Boney M. OK SO! Good news before we get into the rambling and shit of this month! Get ready for DRUH-AH-MUHHHHHH! Aka me complaining The good news first obvs- I dyed my hair pink and green, we were blonde for like 3 days and it was sorta a look, i was slaying obvi. Im back on my computer, i FINALLY figured out how to fix it or semi fix it! Btw, the series of events displayed in todays blog are not in order according to when they took place so like- yas!  SOoooooooo yesterday was my birthday, the good about yesterday was i finally turned 15, got to see chloe, got MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I <3 money! We also saw Firestarter, 7/10. Buttttttttttttttt- a few of my friends were assholes for like no reason. So happy they dont care enough to ask my blog name or link, or else they'd see i was upset with them.  N-E-WAYZZZZZZZZ! Yeah, they were just suddenly acting all rude like a few weeks before my bday and on it????? They'll do that sometimes, we'll be havi

Just drama duh

 Song of the day  Alright so! Time to go off baes and besties!  This week has been pretty uneventful, actually these past few weeks if I'm being honest.  I genuinely don't feel like writing everything that has been going on rn so I'm gonna share my room decoration plans!  So, I wanna take magazines and rip certain pages out and put it on my wall, print a pic of my titties and do the same thing but like in poster form, causeeeeeeee why not?????  Wow I just got so unmotivated to continue doing this. I'm gonna rearrange my room bye 💁‍♀️ (5:15 PM April 2nd)  (April 11th)  Song of the day  I wanna DIEEEEE. My body image issues are kicking my ass! I got body shamed twice within a day last weekend, and then before that weekend I heard people fat shaming others left and right all week! Funnnnnn Anyways, there has been some serious drama, and by serious I mean literal fucking crimes being committed!!!  But instead of getting into some triggering stuff that shouldn't be post


Song of the day biotches, not artist of the day VOM^ SO! GET READY SLUTS! Today's diary intro, blog post, WHATEVER! Is gonna be soops complainy 💋 As always duh  N-e-wayzzzz  My moms friend, let's call her T, she and her 4 kids have been living with us for like idk maybe a month????? I obvi have no concept of time soooooo don't quote me on it baes!!!  N-e-wayz, I got blamed for something I didn't do AGAIN BY T! LIKE UGH RUH-UUUDEEEE STFU! First it was for some nasty ass pudding, like I don't eat pudding it's just not my thing! And T was like "well my kids don't do that and it has to be someone who's tall enough" LIKE I'VE SEEN YOUR KIDS REACH UP THERE PUH-LEASEEEEEE!  And then it was for drinks in the fridge???? Who wants flat regular coke that's infested with whatever new STD you have brewing up??? NOT MWAH!  So my mom was getting tired of it and decided to kick them all out! No worries though, T has been looking for a way to move out


 Song of the day 💁‍♀️ SO! Listen up cunts, assholes, and everyone in between and around! I've had some SERIOUS lack if motivation to even exist recently. So obvs my posts have been lacking. By lacking I mean NOT HAPPENING AT ALL. I'm the only one who reads these shit scraps, BUT IT STILL BOTHERS ME DUH!!!  N-E-wayzzz, the charging port to my computer just died like- RUH-UUUDEEEEE!!!! So I can no longer feel aesthetic while writing these silly little blogs for silly little mwah!  Side note before I give you some SERIOUS DO NOW ADVICE, I'm watching Dare Me and they are not lacking in WLW, or problematic behavior but I'm choosing to skip past that.  Side note OVERRRRRR, NEOW! Time for some serious fashion advice that you need to take NOW! Dollar tree is the place to go recently! The one in my city, the fancy one with the freezers, is selling L.A. colors lip gloss!!! I also got a tiara, THAT I WILL BE WEARING EVERYWHERE BTW!!!! I also got some gorge heart shaped sunglasses

It got worse mini blog and other shit

Song of the day ^^^^ Alright so! I feel A LOT worse than yesterday- Idk if i wrote about me getting sick but whatever! I am, and its gotten sooooooo much worseeeeeeee!!!!!1!!!  I didn't go to school today, slept until 4 pm, my head hurt so fuckin much it was probably the worst thing to ever happen to me and thats saying a lot baes :( I was crying so hard earlier ,cause my throat felt like it closed up and it was hard to breathe, AND IT CAUSED MY NOSE TO BLEED ARGARGARG and now my white shirt is stained OH EM GEE (south park spoiler in this paragraph) im at the episode where stans family moves to a weed farm, doesn't shelly die because stan sets the farm on fire?? Idk i saw something about it on tik tok, OH NOOOOOOOO IKE VAPES AND SO DO THE OTHER KINDERGARTNERS???? sad </3 ---------------------------------------------------- Spoilers overrrrrrrrrrr  Alright baes, what if i started a vlog OR A PODCAST??? I like creating content and stuff in general. I think imma start a podcas

Ultra mega slay pussy pop chili cook off :P

  Song of the day^^^  Alright baes, today has been SHIIIIIIIII-TYYYYY. I got fuckin SICK cause I drank after my mom so now I have whateverrr this shit is (not covid obvs) SO! Before a i got sick, aka yesterday, I went to this chili cook off with my friend and we met up with 3 of her friends and 1 other dude we know! But i have TEAAAAAAAAAAA BABES! Ok so, my friend who went to the chili cook off with me spent the night cause why not and my mom always invites her over! And she told me her gma said "well doesn't panda have any other friends" her gma DOES NOT like mwah like????? There's so much more to the story but I don't wanna write more about my friends gma without my friends permission! Soooo i'll just talk about the cook off. Me and my friend walked around through the rows in the arena the entire time collecting candy and beaded necklaces that the booths were giving out, we even got kazoos and maracas! We got to the cook off at 11 AM, the actual chilli eatin